Tag Archives: Prayer

Conversational Scripture Reading

Have you ever tried praying Scripture back to God? I’m talking about actually speaking the text back to Him using conversational pronouns (I may have just made that term up, but you get the point), for example, changing “He” and “the Lord” to “You”.  It makes for an amazing prayer and worship time.  Give it a shot.  Here’s a good one to start with: Psalm 18:1-3

Ummmm…just one word of warning: be careful to know the context.  Every passage in Scripture is not suitable for this kind of reading.  There are sometimes specific prophecies, instructions, etc. that were for a particular people at a particular time.  Pick the ones that are obviously more universal, in nature.  If you have questions about whether a specific passage fits the bill, shoot it to me and I’d be happy to try and help you figure it out.


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Filed under Devotions/Biblical Insights

Right now in the Chapel at The Gathering!

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March 6, 2013 · 5:02 PM

On Presidential Politics: The Aftermath

It was once told to me that if you have a pastor you don’t like, don’t waste time complaining.  Instead, pray for the one you have that he’ll become the one you want.  This will prevent you from dishonoring Christ, leaving too early or causing problems within the church.  I think that is very good advice.  I also think it applies to the President of the United States.  

If you don’t like the person elected, rather than engaging in UNPRODUCTIVE bad-mouthing, which only divides and brings shame to the name of Christ, spend that time PRODUCTIVELY praying for him to be the kind of president this country needs.  

Look, God is in the business of changing the hearts of man (and he’s changed some much more idealogical than the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave!), so if you think this is the wrong man, then sincerely pray for him.  Every time you’re ready to say something negative or post something cynical, pray instead…at that moment!  

I think it has much less to do with the “man” in office.  God can do whatever He likes with whomever He wills.  Psalm 115:3 says, “Our God is in the heavens; He does whatever He pleases.”  So, engage in spiritual battle for the sake of us all and, if your prayers are in line with the will of God, it will be done.  That’s the only way America will be changed and the only way America will be blessed.

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Filed under Christian Living, Culture/Pop-Culture), Politics

Drive Through Prayer?

A church in Ft. Lauderdale has begun offering drive-thru prayer services for those in need. Good idea, right? After all, who couldn’t use a little prayer?

The Pentecostal congregation has been offering drive-thru prayer services every Friday for the last month, according to the Sun-Sentinel.

Outreach Pastor Sol Levy says many who pass through have never been inside a church and are often at the end of their rope. The volunteers offer to pray with them on any issue, big or small, from a rough day at work to divorce and foreclosure.

Church leaders say the initiative is starting to gain popularity and has served about 150 people so far.

I fear initiatives like this because of the implications it has for promoting an easy, feel-goodism related to God. Where is the relationship? Where is the obedience to follow Christ? How about the call to deny yourself, take up yourself and follow Christ? I know, I know…some will say that these people coming for prayer aren’t there yet, so something should be offered to “reel them in.” I get it. I don’t buy it.

I’m afraid that all this will do is give them just enough “Jesus” to inoculate them from a real relationship with Him. Why should they ever follow a Jesus that calls them to total self-sacrifice when all they have to do is shoot through a window and place their “order”?

Still, some will say that you have to depend on the Holy Spirit to get them to that place. Exactly! Since it’s the Holy Spirit that draws in the first place, why offer something that needs to be preceded by a prayer of repentance and surrender anyway? I think it is important for us to think and re-think our (well-intentioned) methods of reaching people that, in the end, may cause them more spiritual damage and provide more spiritual baggage than they arrived with.

That’s my view. Feel free to let me know yours.

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Filed under Christianity, Theology

Return from the abyss

Whew! Been a while since I wrote here. Not sure why exactly. So busy, I guess. With my son playing football and me helping coach (probably pretty laughable), our time as a family seems so limited. I suppose the last thing I’ve wanted to do was sit in front of a computer longer than I have to and write.  An attempt at balance, though, is certainly called for and I’m hoping to get back to regular or at least semi-regular posting.

I did want to share something that might be a benefit to some. At The Gathering, we are trying really hard to make life-changing connections. Everybody wants and needs community and in our technological age, that can be both easier and harder at the same time.  While (as I’ve already pointed out) sitting in front of a computer for hours on end can rob you of valuable time spent with those with whom community could be built, it’s also a good opportunity (if approached cautiously) to help connect.  I think we have all been doing this techno-thing long enough that we know how this works…or doesn’t.

Having said that, along with our regular Facebook page where we connect, we’ve launched a Facebook Prayer page.  If you have some special needs that you’d like somebody to pray for, head over to Facebook.com/GatheringPrayer and post. If someone hits the like button, you know it’s been prayed for.  Also, share updates and comment on other requests (just know that it’s monitored and abuse of any kind will be deleted and blocked).  Hopefully, this will fall into the latter column of “helpful” in building an online community that can translate into real, live and meaningful relationship.  Oh, and please take a minute to go ahead and “like” that page so you can stay updated.

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